JVM – Garbage Collection

JVM – Garbage Collection

Introduction WARNING! – A lot of this content is just regurgitated content from the java magazine article that’s referenced below, if you’d like more detail, please refer to the article, this is a shortened overview at most. I’ve written this article to help educate myself & hopefully others! 🙂 Having read an article from Java…

Software Design II

Software Design II

Talking more about software design, in my personal experience, this is a subject that gets overlooked rather dramatically, but it’s crazy! 🤯 When it comes to implementing clean software, design is key, there are many ways in which you can design software, we have many patterns that exist in the world of software engineering. Some…

JUnit: Code Coverage

JUnit: Code Coverage

Let’s talk about unit testing, mocks, stubs, etc, all the good stuff, recently truth be told, I’ve begun to love writing tests. One of the more important points behind writing unit tests is to not only ensure that the application has as little bugs as possible, but I find that tests are a pretty good…

JPA: Entity without an ID

JPA: Entity without an ID

A problem that I’ve recently encountered myself not so long ago, I wanted to know how to query a table that essentially had no ID/primary key column. I had to do this since the table(s)/view(s) that I needed to query could be considered legacy, they perform rather poorly & generally, from a DB perspective need…