I’ve been extremely absent within the development community as of recent. This is purely due to the fact that I’m really struggling to find the right balance with my current juggling act, which is:
- Work
- Exercise
- Chores
- Research/Self Development/Education/etc.
Nothing drastic, but I’m really struggling to find time to relax & engage in some hobbies of some shape or form.
Between the above; I’ve also been having extremely broken sleep recently. Not to mention my partner & I have a little one on the way.
My typical routine usually includes waking up at 6am & more often than not, going to bed at 1am. For some time, I’ve managed to make this work, but I think my mind & body just needs some serious R&R.
I don’t believe this routine is sustainable nor healthy, at least not in the long term.
In all honesty, I’d love to hear more about how other developers manage it. 🤔
Go give me strength?! 🙏
U can do it Joseph.