DevOps Culture Challenges

DevOps Culture Challenges

In my current role, I face a number of non-technical challenges, it can be an incredibly long winded & sometimes interesting (other times not so interesting) process. This can include with reducing blockers to allow developers to implement newer technologies, this could also include destroying silos in the work place, etc. In my little experience,…

My New Job

My New Job

During this chaotic time, it just so happens that I’ve started a new job, thankfully I wasn’t made redundant from my previous role or anything along those lines. Without further ado, I thought it’s best to just state the title & the company, long story short, I’m a software engineer working for Lloyds Bank. I…

True Heroes

True Heroes

First off, I’d like to thank everyone that works for this countries national health service. Without you, this country really would go to the dogs given the current crisis that’s taking place. Doctors, nurses, health care assistants & the rest, you’re all true heroes & I solute each & everyone of you. With COVID-19, it…

Ambitions: 2020

Ambitions: 2020

First of all… Happy new year! 🥳 All round 2019 wasn’t too bad, career wise I was able to achieve working for an enterprise company, rather than a start up, which of course opened my eyes to new technologies & processes. For the following years I have a lot of ambitions, one being progressing to…