Cost Effective SOA
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Cost Effective SOA

One thing that I’m currently working on at QuoteOnSite is achieving SOA, whilst ensuring that we don’t go above & beyond with the budget, for obvious reasons. But based on experience & research, it turns out that PM2 & Node seems to be a perfect combination, as we only need a single virtual machine in…

Defensive Programming

Defensive Programming

Defensive programming, what is it? – It’s quite simple really, defensive programming is the practice of engineering your code in such a way where you handle all potential states. This includes unexpected states, this includes invalid states, valid states, totally unexpected states & everything in between. However, if you were to quickly Google “defensive programming“,…

Software Design II

Software Design II

Talking more about software design, in my personal experience, this is a subject that gets overlooked rather dramatically, but it’s crazy! 🤯 When it comes to implementing clean software, design is key, there are many ways in which you can design software, we have many patterns that exist in the world of software engineering. Some…

Software Design
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Software Design

In addition to architecture, another thing that I’ve recently begun to love talking about & researching is generally software design. I just honestly strive for the best I possibly can, such as reducing cyclomatic complexity. I know, a fancy word, right? In plain ol’ English it means reducing the amount of logical operations in a…